In her Bully-Proof Vests, Linda Stein makes a fashion statement with wearable art. Donning your vest becomes a magical experience! You become charged with the Hero's Bravery, Strength, Fierceness, Compassion and Empathy for the "Other"
Enjoy its Protective Force, and notice your increased desire and ability to act as a Brave Upstander on an everyday basis.
The vests feature recognizable cultural icons (i.e. Wonder Woman, Princess Mononoke, Storm, Lisbeth Salander, Kannon, Nausicaa, and Lady Gaga).
One-of-a-kind vests are available now (off the rack at Stein Studios) in small and medium sizes. Custom fitting and personal fabrics/colors are also available for an additional charge. Call for further information: 212.964.6007